Find your purpose. Find your people.

Find yourself.

instructor auditions are now open!

It’s time to lead.

Turn your experiences and your story into your own superpower and help the world find theirs.

BootyMix® instructor training program

  • BootyMix Instructor Training will begin June 3rd and end on June 28th. Instructor Training is virtual with the opportunity for in-person training days for those interested.

    Prep Week: Introduction
    Week 1 - 3: Training

  • BootyMix Philosophy, Core Beliefs & Mission

    BootyMix Class Structure & Secret Sauce

    The Power of Music

    Building Powerful Playlists

    How to Master Choreography

    Proper Form, Technique, & Cues

    BootyMix Inclusion Training

    Personal Development

    Finding Your Voice

    Instructor Persona Development

    How to Motivate & Inspire Authentically

    Social Media Etiquette & Marketing Your Class

  • Cost: $249 (normally $299)
    Licensing fee upon completion of training: $20/mo

    The licensing fee keeps your certification active, enables you to teach your own BootyMix classes, grants access to the instructor portal with all approved choreography, and provides entry to our private Facebook group for instructors. In this group, we offer continued education, instructor opportunities, and moral support!

  • At BootyMix, we're dedicated to empowering individuals to embrace their true selves with confidence. Our mission is to guide everyone on a journey of self-love, where they learn to appreciate and celebrate their bodies just as they are. In our classes, we prioritize positive body image and self-acceptance. That's why our instructors steer clear of promoting diet culture, calorie counts, or speaking negatively about food. Instead, we encourage a holistic approach to fitness that nourishes both body and soul.

“I’ve unlocked a deeper love for myself, and discovered my passion for dance, fitness, and leadership. I promise you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by finding a way to move your body that brings you joy.”

Kaela Frantz, BootyMix Instructor

Instructor Auditions now open until may 17th!

Drop your information below if you would like to audition to become a BootyMix Instructor! Once submitted, we will email you with next steps on how to audition and provide additional information about our next upcoming training!